European Academy
of Philately


The European Academy of Philately is a society of eminent philatelists from Europe and the Mediterranean basin, as well as from other continents, who are particularly involved in European philately. Their aim is to practise, study and disseminate high-level European philately by means of meetings, exchanges of ideas, lectures, publications, exhibitions and other initiatives, in a friendly spirit of tolerance and the propagation of the European culture of today and tomorrow.

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The History

Based on a project by Frenchmen Jean Storch and Robert Françon, the Académie d'études postales was founded in Paris on 28 January 1978. In 1988, the society changed its name to the Académie européenne d'études philatéliques et postales, and on 20 May 2000, it became the Académie européenne de philatélie.

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The AEP at MonacoPhil 2024

The AEP at MonacoPhil 2024

The AEP will be holding a series of lectures on 6 December 2024 in the prestigious frame of the One Monte-Carlo Exhibition Centre, followed by its Annual General Meeting the next day. [more infos]

Trait d'Union 2023-2

Trait d'Union 2023-2

The latest issue of Trait d'Union can be accessed from your personal space. This 2023-2 issue is edited by Bento Dias (Portugal), who has taken over from Peter Suhadolc, who was elected President in 2023. [more infos]

OPUS 24 has been published

OPUS 24 has been published

Spain is in the spotlight in 2024, with more than 300 pages of articles by leading Spanish philatelists. [more infos]

Upcoming Events


FEPA Exhibition, 17 to 20 October 2024, Øksnehallen, Copenhague, Denmark

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Prestige philatelic event, 5 to 7 December 2024, organised by the Club de Monte-Carlo.

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EuroPhilex BIRMINGHAM 2025

FEPA Exhibition, 8 to 11 May 2025, National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham, England

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