Privacy Policy

Site Data Manager

AEP is responsible for the data on the site.

Use of Personal Data collected

Contact Forms

When filling in a form on our site, we will ask you for permission to use your personal data to process your request. Without your consent, we will not be able to respond to your request.

The data entered in the contact form will remain stored until you request its deletion or revoke your consent to its storage.


When you log on to the site, if you have created an account, a temporary cookie is created to determine whether your browser accepts cookies. It contains no personal data and is deleted automatically when you close your browser.

Other cookies record your connection information and screen preferences. The lifespan of a connection cookie is equal to your session time; that of a screen option cookie is one year.

To change your preferences about cookies, use the button below

Content integrated from other sites

Articles or pages on the site may include contents (videos, images, articles, etc.) integrated from other sites. Such contents behave in the same way as they do on their original sites.

These sites may therefore collect data about you, use cookies, embed third-party monitoring tools, and track your interactions with these embedded contents if you have an account with them.

Statistics and audience measurement

For statistical purposes, we use internal tools (Matomo [?]), the privacy of which we guarantee. The cookies used for these internal statistics comply with CNIL (French Data Protection Authority) recommendations and do not require your prior consent.

Storage of Personal Data

The personal data indicated in the profiles of users who register on the site are stored. Any user may consult and modify their personal data at any time. The site managers may also consult and modify these data.

Rights to your Personal Data

If you have an account or if you have left information on the site, you can ask to receive a file containing all the personal data that we hold about you, including that which you have provided to us.

You may also request the deletion of your personal data, with the exception of data stored for administrative, legal or security purposes. You are thus assured of your right of access, rectification, deletion, restriction of processing and transmission of data, as well as a right of appeal to the supervisory authorities.

To invoke any of these rights, please send an email with our form contact.

Transmission of your Personal Data

No personal information of the user of the site is exchanged, transferred, assigned or sold on any medium whatsoever to third parties. Only the assumption of the purchase of AEP and its rights would allow the transmission of the said information to the eventual purchaser who would in turn be bound by the same obligations.

Contact Information

For any privacy issue, please contact us here.

How we protect your Personal Data

We make every effort to ensure the protection of data collected on the site. The site uses the TLS protocol (visible via the root https:// and generally symbolised by a padlock in the address bar) to protect communication between your browser and our server.

Our host and service providers are bound by the same security and personal data protection standards.

Procedures implemented in the Event of a Personal Data Leak

In the event of a leak of personal data, we comply with the legal provisions for alerting the supervisory authorities responsible for the site.

Third Party Services that send us Personal Data

We reserve the right to use the services of third-party companies for which we have first checked that they comply with the laws in force.