

Suhadolc Peter

Peter Suhadolc


Maselis Patrick

Patrick Maselis

First Vice President
von Scharpen Rainer

Rainer von Scharpen

Second Vice President
Agostosi Alessandro

Alessandro Agostosi

Secretary General
Letaillieur Michel

Michel Letaillieur


Honorary Presidents

Slabbinck Henk

Henk Slabbinck

Voruz Jean

Jean Voruz


Kahn Serge

Serge Kahn

Past Secretary General
Arnrup Claes

Claes Arnrup

Member of the Board
Coutant Guy

Guy Coutant

Member of the Board
Dias Bento

Bento Dias

Member of the Board
Hadida Maurice

Maurice Hadida

Member of the Board
Logette Jean-François

Jean-François Logette

Member of the Board
Magne Jean-Pierre

Jean-Pierre Magne

Member of the Board
Richards Simon

Simon Richards

Member of the Board
Rodin Igor

Igor Rodin

Member of the Board
Seydoux Jean-Marc

Jean-Marc Seydoux

Member of the Board